Senin, 09 Juni 2008
Acupressure is the holding and stimulating of points on the body along meridians, or energy pathways. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body is separated into 12 meridians, each corresponding to organ systems in the body. Approximately 500 points lie along these energy pathways. These are the same points used in acupuncture, only finger pressure is used instead of needles.
Acupressure can be very effective for relaxation, stress reduction, and balancing the body’s energy. “Release Points†can also be stimulated on the face, head, neck, and shoulders - to release sinus pressure, speed healing of headaches and shoulder/neck tension. You can choose to have an entire session of acupressure (where you are fully clothed), or request it as a compliment to a massage or Reiki session.
I often incorporate acupressure into longer (90 minute) massage and bodywork sessions.
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